Here are a couple of other shots:
A "Head-On" Angle.
From Above.
Hawk's sidekick, Spenser, has joined him in the display.
Here's a close-up of Spenser.
Click the image to see a larger version.
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Small Image - Large Image
Hawk is actually a Playmates' 9" "Captain Sisko" figure (the "Trials and Tribble-ations" version) in a formal suit from a Mattell "Totally Cool Ken."
The gun in the solo pictures is an Uzi from the 3" "Uncle Duke" action firgure that comes with the Doonesbury book "Action Figure." (It has since been replaced with a "GI JOE"-sized Colt .45: Hawk's a man who carries a big gun! The Uzi was then inherited by Spenser.)
Hawk's sunglasses, I drew in a paint program on my computer, printed out, covered with scotch tape, to make them shiny, and taped to his head.
I find that the size mismatch between Ken and Captain Sisko worked to Hawk's advantage, as it gave the outfit both a kind of "Oversized Chic" sensibility, and a real sense of motion.
Spenser is a bit more complicated. His body is a 9' Captain James T. Kirk, also from Playmates. {Kirk's original head spent a little time here but will soon go back into storage.}
Spenser's head is from a European "Big Jim Avventura" figure. I noticed that that Big Jim had a wider face, and much darker hair than the older American ones I've known. In fact, he looked a lot like Robert Urich, although his part was on the wrong side, and his sideburns were too long. I filed off the sideburns, and repainted some bare spots with Flesh-tone model paint.
His outfit consists of pants from I know not what Big Jim outfit, the blue turtleneck from the "Big Jim's P.A.C.K." version of Jim, and the Jacket from Toy Biz's ten-inch "Peter Parker" action figure, which is otherwise lame beyond imagining.
His gun, as mentioned above, is Uncle Duke's Uzi.
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